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DanceHypha is a global network of dancers designed to connect its members to opportunities. Our mission as a company is to provide an elegant and user-friendly tool for productions seeking dancers and to empower its members to elevate their careers and express their art form with integrity.



Dancer Profiles are suitable for individuals, crews, companies, or houses. We accept dancers of all ages & styles.

  • Create your Dancer Profile.
  • Submit your Dancer Profile to casting opportunities directly on our casting page and be seen by casting directors, producers, choreographers and other industry professionals.
  • Update your profile as your portfolio evolves or if your location changes.
  • Share your Dancer Profile, like a website, wherever you like.
Create Your Dancer Profile

Productions Seeking Dancers

Helping you find dancers quickly and efficiently.

  • Share your casting with our global network of dancers and receive submissions in real-time.
  • Connect quickly to talent for your project.
  • Hire DanceHypha for full-service casting specializing in dance.
  • Explore some of the exceptional talent on our rotating Featured Dancers page.
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