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NOTICE DATE: September 10, 2024
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 15, 2024
New York, NY
  • Performers with strong contact and partnering skills and excellent contemporary dance and physical theater techniques
  • Seeking dynamic and developed artists of all ethnicities and ages.
  • Strong storytelling experience is essential.
  • Ability to move organically between character, task-based naturalism, and athletic, stylized choreography.
  • Artists must have a valid work visa.
  • Full availability for the duration of the contract is required.
Project Title:
Life and Trust
Project Type:
Live Performance
Project Description:
  • Emursive Productions (producers of Sleep No More) seeks performers for its immersive theatrical production of Life and Trust –
  • Audition by Appointment: September 23-24 from 9am-4pm in New York City.
  • Mandatory Callbacks: September 25, 26th OR 27th and 28 from 9am-4pm in New York City.
  • Rehearsals begin in November of 2024.
  • Performance contract duration: January 2025 to January 2026.
  • $1,650 USD per week with Healthcare Benefits

Submission Deadline has Passed