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NOTICE DATE: September 17, 2024
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 21, 2024
Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Two professional dancers and and a potential choreographer
  • Style: contemporary/funk/abstract/parkour/modern/unusual movers.
  • Must have the ability to act and be engaging on camera.
  • The act includes wire rigs and stunt work.
  • All genders and ethnicities are welcome.
  • Accepting international submissions. Travel and accommodation will be provided.
Project Title:
American Footwear Brand
Project Type:
Commercial[ Non-Union ]
  • Rehearsals: October 5-7, 2024. Exact dates TBC.
  • Shoot: October 8-9, 2024.
  • Session: €400 per day
  • Rehearsal: €400 per day
  • Buyout: €2,000
Additional Notes:
  • USAGE: One (1) year Global OLV, CTV, Digital, Social paid and unpaid, BTS, Print, OOH, industrial, retail, theatrical. Does not include broadcast
  • A self-tape will be required from dancers who are shortlisted.

Submission Deadline has Passed