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NOTICE DATE: November 28, 2023
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 05, 2023
Los Angeles, CA
  • Main Character (Ty): queer, BIPOC,  20s to 30s, lesbian, gender fluid, “cool energy”, radiates lesbian gold star energy 
  • Ty’s friends: queer, BIPOC, 20s to 30s, body diversity, “cool energy”, lesbian mean girl vibes 
  • Wine Bar Extras: body diversity, “cool energy”, moving like the coolest gay people at the bar, a professional dancer in any dance style. ( note that this is an EXTRA role no set choreography)
  • All talent must work as an LA local
Project Title:
Gold Star
Project Type:
Narrative Short  [ Non-Union ]
Project Description:
  • A baby gay learns from a gold star lesbian the secret dance required to enter an exclusive queer club, in the end discovering the key to acceptance comes from within.
  • Rehearsal: December 10, 2023 (Main and Extras Tier roles)
  • Shoot: December 11-12, 2023 
  • Main Character: $850 USD per 12-hour shoot day and $231.75 USD per 4-hour rehearsal
  • Extras Tier 1: $775 USD per 12-hour day
  • Extra Role: $20 USD per/hour

Submission Deadline has Passed